Monday, May 5, 2014

Love for all things British

A toast to afternoon tea, lovely florals, cottage gardens, proper English, etiquette and the ever so hard to ignore accent.  Let's not leave out Mr. Darcy.

Since childhood I seem to have been drawn to all things British.  The style, design, literature and traditions.  Perhaps I'm fascinated by a culture that appears to preserve.

While trying to find my own sense of style and design I have tried different approaches. Regardless of how hard I try my vision always comes back to the classic English style home.  A style that combines patterns, colors, fabrics and florals in a way that no other design can compare. A style that revels in natural wood and its painted potential.

I also adore tea.  Tea is not just a beverage.  It's an experience.

Florals have to be one of my favorite design tools.  There hasn't been a floral to this point in my life that I have not liked.  I mix florals into every aspect of my home.

While I love all things British, I cannot say I've ever been.  I've experienced the beauty of Versaille, the elegance of Zurich and the tradition of Munich.  Yet, I still haven't toured the English countryside.  Until that happens I will keep attempting to create my own little English haven as best I can.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! :) I feel a little bit like a stalker, but I just happened upon your instagram and saw you recently moved to WI. We also recently moved to the Madison area from Chicago and have 90 year old home. Your home and style are beautiful, and I look forward to reading your blog! Have a great day!
