Thursday, October 17, 2013

The magic behind The Turquoise Paintbrush

I have an affinity for turquoise. I'm drawn to the stone, the color. I like to use it as an accent color with just about everything because it goes with anything.

I'm not surprised I was drawn to The Turquoise Paintbrush. Just adding it to the name provides an allure for me. Once I clicked on the button I wouldn't be disappointed. Mary's work is gentle and compelling. Clicking on her blog makes you feel as if you've entered an artists' fairytale world. Along with a magical portfolio, Mary's writing and photography captures you in its sweetness.

Enter Mary's world and possibly bring a piece of her fairytale to yours.

Mary sent me a little bio of herself and if this doesn't make you love her even more I'm not sure what will.
I am a girl who loves cutting + pasting + getting my hands messy with colorful paint. I can’t live without coffee. I love to dream with my eyes wide open, messy hair, dancing in the sunlight, + treasuring moments. I’m a girl a lot like you; desiring happiness, connections to other artsy souls, and love. A girl who creates colorful/whimsical/wordy art.
Most days, you can find me working away in my little studio with twinkle lights sparkling, a paintbrush in hand, and delicious music playing in the background.

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